Forex basics
Forex basics are the necessary knowledge and terms, without which you can’t start a trading career. Here you will learn what spread, options, types of accounts, pending orders and scalping strategies are. You’ll find answers to questions about how to choose a broker and trade on news with minimal risk, learn how to choose currency pairs. This section will reveal the secrets of training features and help you understand how to earn on Forex and succeed, while reducing risks and losses.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 17292
AT&CF system authors just wanted to draw the attention of programmers and technical analysts to the application of digital methods, and even didn't expect, how convenient to use Forex adaptive indicators for the analysis of the financial markets. We will try to understand how it can be used in real trade.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 17939
In search of monetary Graal, traders begin to complicate an analysis technique, though all the best is invented long ago and is actively used. We will try to understand what a secret of the popularity of the MACD indicator on the basis of which more than 40 years the trade systems are created, available to understanding by beginners and preferred by professionals.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 10796
The modern future is a part of the capital market, the effective tool of price fluctuation compensation and «instant» averaging of monetary demand without sharp change of the offer. The technical analysis of such assets has features, using which it is possible to avoid mistakes and to increase the reliability of your transactions in Forex.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 15715
The main idea of the Dow`s theory («history repeat») is constantly criticized, however, traders continue to look for on the price schedule the constructions which can be treated unambiguously and applied for the entrance to the market. We offer graphic Forex patterns demanding independent way of thinking, but increasing chances of success.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 13957
We offer classical graphic models to those who prefer medium-term stable transactions – for skilled, self-confident and patient. The main objective of round Forex figures – to provide effective trade on the small periods, without losing of a global tendency.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 10994
At present energy resources are the most important commodity for the world economy as they are used practically in all branches. Such popularity led to the fact that CFD on oil have become more favorable than some currency pairs.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 13217
Round-the-clock work of the Forex market causes quite clear desire to trade (and to earn!) every day, for this reason, intraday trading − the most popular type of trading. Gradually each trader gets rid of the illusion of the «fast» money, but it´s preferable to pass this way without considerable losses. We will try to help you with it.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 11576
Each modern person knows a concept of seasonality, for instance, increase in prices for fresh vegetables during the winter season or rise in price for fuel in biting frosts, but very few people know that it is possible to earn on similar regularities. We will consider seasonal spread-trading by means of contracts for difference.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 11346
Many traders start the career from the Forex market, even without suspecting that through well known dealing centres it`s possible to work with CFD on commodities (raw materials) which price dynamics better submits to classical laws of supply and demand.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 18154
Any technical indicator is the mathematical transformation of asset parameters (price + amount + time) for the forecast of price movement. How to integrate correctly several standard techniques into complex Forex indicators to carry out the multiple-factor analysis and to achieve the most probable trading signal?
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 11081
Beginning traders have an opinion that trading by tools of the stock market requires the big equity. This statement is correct only partly as nowadays almost each dealing center allows to work with indices CFD.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 22824
The optimum combination of indicators is a basis of any profitable strategy for which searches you can spend years. At the same time, the Ichimoku indicator is included in a base pack of all trade platforms. It representing ready to use trade system which can easily be adjusted to any market, if necessary.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 10882
The foreign exchange market gives ample opportunities for earnings, but it has one essential shortcoming – the small list of the assets available to trade. On this background, CFD on the stocks, allowing to diversify a portfolio, become attractive.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 12835
The popular opinion, that trade on news is for lazy beginners, isn't true now at all. Trade during the periods of information splashes is very profitable and available to any trader, irrespective of the tool, experience and a deposit amount.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 10564
Many beginning traders sincerely believe the highest volatility is inherent in currency pairs, but it is one of the most popular errors as really powerful trends are often created by the CFD market on non-ferrous metals.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 11094
We offer those who loves graphical creations the facilitated option of wave trade quite available to beginners both by the level of knowledge and a deposit amount. Especially as even the experienced traders who are constantly practicing the wave analysis consider joint combinations of Woolf's Waves and Elliott’s Waves rather effective.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 18483
The idea of a price turn (Pivot Level or Pivot Point) for the first time was offered by G. V. Chase in the 30th years and since then searches of optimum techniques of trade at the key levels don't stop. Camarilla Equation system uses the property of the market to return to the closing price of a previous period – it is considered that it`s simple and effective.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 19525
As a rule, it isn't enough to trader to determine a point of a turn and the most probable price, there is a wish also to calculate the moment of emergence of this price, that is to answer the most important question – «when». The correct creation of angular patterns as which special case are Fibonacci’s Fan and Gann’s Fan allows determining approximate «route» of the price including key time points on this way.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 14449
It is a favorite graphical figure of large speculators because the Forex Triangle with equal probability can be both models of continuation of a trend, and a turn figure. Inside of such constructions the market is consolidating, warns about the forthcoming throw and if to learn to understand such signal, then the profitable transaction is provided to you.
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- Written by Anna Collins
- Category: Forex basics
- Hits: 12381
The successful dealer always knows not only how, but also what, when, to whom on the most beneficial price to sell it. The challenging and correctly chosen goods for the transaction − is an additional insurance of success. Let's try to describe several problems which the trader faces in the case of the choice of a Forex trade asset.